Friday, April 10, 2015

Writitng Work Shop

Question 1: Based on this sentence, write down your own definition of “conformity” or “conform.”

  • "David and Bobby wanted to go Sam's party tonight but everyone agreed they were going to Leslie's. Eventually Bobby and David conformed and agreed to go to Leslie's Party instead of Sam's."

Question 2: How do you think conformity and obedience are similar? How do you think they are different? 

  • In my opinion, conformity and obedience are similar in a way that their both related to you doing something and following rules/society. The difference between the two is, to conform is a choice and to obey is a demand. 

Question 3:
(a) What does the Asch Experiment demonstrate? Explain.
The Asch Experiment demonstrated that, when we are in a large group and everyone is agreeing on one thing it is hard for us to go with our own opinion or by far it's hard to think for ourselves because we get our social peers from our surroundings.
(b) Given what you’ve learned, do you think you're more of a conformist or an individual? How has this benefited you and/or worked against you in the past?
In my opinion, when I look back at how I use to be in a large group I often found myself conforming a lot, but as I began to learn more about how being a conformist works and how much we go through it throughout life. I have been able to think more for myself as an Individual.
(c) Is conformity good or bad? Consider these situations: driving laws, Nazism, the Holocaust, body image, religion, and clothing styles.
Conformity is good when it is used for its own good, obeying could be applied to certain things as laws and religion because those are things we have no choice but to follow living in the society we live in today, it's what keeps things maintained in structure and order.
(d) Can you think of other instances where people might conform?

Hanging out with a large group, working, when being in school and at in public places when emergencies occur.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree that conformity is a choice. Not sure what you mean when you say "conformity is good when it is used for its own good." When is it for its own good? Do you think the Nazis conformed? We get our social CUES (not peers) from our surroundings.
