Friday, April 10, 2015

Final Refelection - 2 paragraphs

When reading the scenario i was given,  I came up with several factors that can possibly influence an individual One factor that would influence an out looker to help is if the man is being brutally beaten, or the way the person is dressed can be another factor. As social creatures we often go by psychical appearances and the way a person is dressed can result in how a person would approach them. Another factor that can influence people in helping the victim is by them screaming out for help. That often catches peoples attention and it results in them helping out in the situation

We've all heard the term before, but have we all gotten a clear understanding of what it really means and how often it effects us in every day life? The Bystanders Effect is known to be one of the most things that cause us to not involve ourselves in tragic situations when an individual is at harm. This effect goes hand in hand with conformity in the sense that, we are all reacting to each others social decisions. When being in the scene of someone being at harm, if one person out of the group does not react to the situation, we begin to think we don't have to act either. One factor that makes up the bystanders effect is "diffusion of responsibility." This factor is known to be, when everyone in the group assumes one person would act, but eventually no one does. That results them in not involving themselves in helping someone out in a harmful situation. Knowing about the bystander effect and the Kitty Genovese incident, can help us a lot because it shows us how influenced we are by our surroundings and it also shows how quickly we are to help in non emergencies then when a real emergency occurs.

1 comment:

  1. This shows a good understanding of why we don't get involved. Do you believe this makes us all bad people? Your concluding sentence confuses me a little. I'm not sure how the Kitty Genovese incident "shows us how influenced we are by our surroundings." Watch your spelling. physical
    I think you are responding to the first post on the Bystander Effect but I'm not sure. Could you title your responses with the same titles as the lessons you are responding to?
