Sunday, October 27, 2013

What are you a genius at?

There's a few things I believe i'm good with or at but one thing I can say I am a genius at being is making people laugh and smile. At the age 13 is where it started. Where I can make any person's smile reach from ear to ear. I began to notice it with my close cousin's I was always the one in the clique who made everyone laugh whenever someone was down. Then when I entered middle school that was one thing I did with everyone. I started off by suddenly making anyone who came my way feel happy, whether it was by saying something funny or making them realize the good side of something bad. I now have become the girl who has the ability to tell you things and to teach you things when you feel like your whole world is crashing down on you and when your not happy within yourself or a particular event in your life that has occurred. I learned to use it with anyone who comes my way! 

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