Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Are you a risk-taker?

Out of all the risk's that I've taken throughout my life. One of the biggest risk takers was, one night when I was with all of my friends. We were in Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. We decided to leave because it was getting too late and we had a long drive back to the Bronx. The driver decided to buy another bottle of alcohol and insisted we drank while he drove. All of his friends agreed, but my friend's were unsure. At that time we felt like he was our only option to get home rather than taking the NYC transit. I sat on the passenger seat, I knew it was a big risk for me to take but I didn't know what was a better option for me to do, my word wasn't going to convince him any better. I sat in the passenger seat and everything was fine until we hit the highway. With the music blasting and us laughing his adrenaline was pumping, he began to feel over powered so he hit 100 mph on the Brooklyn Bridge. That night was definitely one of of the biggest risk's I have ever taken,  I could of easily lost my life. But of course I turned out to be safe.

One risk that I did take that didn't turn out as i expected was one day, me and my little brother decided to call 911 and prank call. When we called, we immedietly hung up the phone. But before we hung up the phone my little brother screeched, and made it seem like something was happening in my house. What I remember was a few hours later, when we were getting ready to head to my sister's house. The police arrived at my front door and it was hard to tell them we were playing around with the phones. But eventually we got in big trouble with my mother and I wasn't allowed to use the phone unless I had a guardian around.

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