Sunday, October 27, 2013

Are we all born as “genius” or do we obtain it?

The Physical Genius

In my personal opinion, I know that people aren't born as geniuses. It develops over time. Once you're born you live up to expectations and you begin to learn things little by little step by step. It determines on how many times you practice a particular activity until you get better. In the article we read today in class, we read about a very successful surgeon named Charlie Wilson and other artist who are good at what they do. Charlie Wilson wasn't born a genius but he did work his way to get where he is now. In the article the writer states that in the 1980's thats when Mr. Wilson was at his busiest. He would routinely perform seven to eight brain surgeries in a row starting at dawn and ending at dusk. This states that Charlie Wilson didn't just wake up one day and assume he was good at being a surgeon. He practiced on, day and night until he was as  Michon Morita stated, "like a cat playing with a mouse".

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely. What advantages did practice give him? For example, it probably improved his timing. Good job of supporting your opinion with evidence from the text.
