Friday, October 18, 2013

Lost Every Day...

1. How does the woman describe her disorder? 

She described her disorder by explaining how she view's the world. In the beginning she talks to her self about routing where to go and what lane to stay on so she won't lose track of where shes going.  

2. What triggers the disorder? 

What trigger's her disorder is water and the curves of the route.  

 3. Is her condition psychological or neurological and explain why.

 I strongly believe the woman's  condition is psychological because it has to do with arising in her mind. It is an emotional and mental state in her brain. 

4. Describe one way in which this disorder could limit a person. 

One way in which the disorder she has could limit her was, for instance when her baby was crying in the middle of the night and she couldn't find a route on how to get to her baby because that part of her brain was damaged, her only way to get to her son was by following the sound of him crying. 

5. Describe one trick she uses to overcome her disorder. 

One trick she uses to overcome her disorder is constantly telling her self what route to stay on and when to turn left and when to turn right.  

6. “Train your brain.” Explain the significance of this statement through the lens of Dr. Charney’s theory on neuroplasticity. 

By training your brain you can work on a a lot of excercises to train a specific role in your brain. Training your brain is always important to do especially when your a teen, at times like this your always learning new things each and every day.

1 comment:

  1. She explained in the video that she found out it was an "organic" problem--not psychological. And the last question....What do you mean by "to train a specific role in your brain"? Watch your writing conventions. Have someone proofread before you publish. 4-3-2-4
