Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ted Talk Answers..

  1. How does Ms. Balkmore define adolescence? How long does it last?                                   Ms. Blake more define adolescence as the period of life that starts at your bi logical hormone changes of puberty. It ends at the stage where the individual is stable and in a independent role in society (20's or 30's)
  2. What is the significance of the prefrontal cortex? Which section is this on the diagram we viewed yesterday?                                                                                                                            It's located on the front of the brain behind the fore head, that specific section of the brain is in charge of abstract thinking and thought analysis, it's also responsible for regulating behavior. This includes mediating conflicting thoughts, making choices between right and wrong, and predicting the probable outcomes of actions or events
  3.  What is synaptic pruning and what is the significance of the process?                                         Synaptic pruning is the beginning of the process where you begin to get your neurons.
  4. What is the social brain?                                                                                                                The social brain is the network of brain regions that we use to understand other people and interact with them. 
  5.  Explain the design and results of the experiment in which adolescents were compared to adults in seeing things from another person's perspective.                                                     
  6.   It stated that adolescents are more active when they make social decisions and think about other people than it is in adults. Adults have more experience than adolescents, what is new for teens is old for adults.
  7. Describe the difference between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex in teenagers and adults.                                                                                                                                  Since adults have seen more in life their able to be inhibited in any situation they occur in. For teenagers it's a bit different because we're risk takers.
  8. Do you see your own adolescence as a problem or an opportunity? Explain.                               I see it as an opportunity because it takes us through the different stages of life without going through our "teenage" problems and all the things teens seem to hate. We wouldn't know how to become responsible individuals.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice responses. However, I think the experiment showed the exact opposite--that teens have more difficulty than adults in seeing things from another person's perspective. Didn't quite understand your last answer. What is your advice to educators?
