Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Quick Write

The best advice I believe parents can give to their children on drugs, alcohol and other risky behaviors are to compare kids who do drugs and attend school and kids who don't do drugs and go to school. Kids who stay away from drugs at a early age have a better chance of having a good future, then kids who get introduced to drugs at a young age. I personally feel like the "Just say no" slogan may not work for the majority of teens in today's era. Teens now often believe they don't have to follow or listen to any rules especially from adults. Most teens go through a rebelous stage. My concern will be for the parent to let their teens take risk but also as a parent always remind them about the difference between taking the road down to drugs, and turning away from them.

1 comment:

  1. Nice explanation of your claim with supporting evidence but what would the counterclaim be? Carefully read the directions on the prompts. rebellious
