Monday, December 2, 2013

Do Now:

  • The Human Brain goes through distinct stages of development as it matures to childhood = 1
  • The teenage brain is at a unique point in development = 2
  •  Because of their brain development, teenager sometimes struggle with decision-making = 2
  1.  What makes teenagers different?
Once you hit the stage of 13 your officially a teen. At that point teens are already aware of what goes on around them, you start coming to understandings and asking more questions about certain things that happen in your life. But what most teenagers don't realize, that most adults do is that your in control of your own destiny. Being an adult you becoming independent and realize what you need to do for yourself but as a teenager you become dependent or loss or out of place when ever you don't have that guidance you received when you were younger. A teenager being different has a lot to do with realizing things and being more aware of the things that are happening around you. It's a stage when you begin/learn to take charge.

  2. Should teenagers have the same rights as adults

 I believe that teenagers shouldn't have the same rights as adults because being a teenager you don't have the kind of mindset as an average adult, most teens mature at a young age and some take time. But also your only young for a short period of time and then you spend the rest of your life being an adult. You grow older not younger, it's always great to enjoy your childhood and the rest of your teen years while you have them before you turn step into the real world.

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful. Let's see if we can convince you to agree strongly with those two understandings.
