Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Story Of An Hour

Final Reflection:

1. When I read the final sentences of The Story Of An Hour for the 1st time, I didn't understand it completely until I read it with students from my class and got their interpretation from those last sentences. It was clear that the wife was happy to hear her husbands death. as I read the story for a 2nd time, the wife knew she was finally free from her husband. She was finally able to live her life the way she wanted to live it. When I got to the part where they mentioned "a joy that kills" I knew that in that sudden moment when she walked out of her room and saw that her husband was still alive she would have to go back to conforming to the life she had with her husband that she suffered a heart attack and died.

2. The message that I got from the story was to not settle for something or someone who makes you feel like you have to live for them. This reminds  me of the famous speech my father gives me every time I see him. He tells me he wants me to be a professional someday and if his time was to ever come before he sees me succeed in life he wants to know that I won't stop doing what I have to do for me, live the life I want to live and not settle for anything or anyone. Reading a story of an hour opened my eyes to knowing that I can never settle to live for someone else other than myself.

3. Yes, I have this one friend Kimberly who has been my friend for a decade now and I learn to realize that I know her more than she knows herself. She has been involved in a relationship with a man who is 10x older than she is. Because of their age difference, I can see that he takes the fun out of her. Over the years they been together she learned to conform to his life style and she now does things and lives her life pleasing his needs 1st before hers.

4. This story relates to conformity because the wife conformed to living her life style due to her husbands lifestyle. She was living his life instead of her own, doing the things he only agreed with. That going hand in hand with my friend Kimberly who seems to be going down the same exact lane.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Quick write

The only area that I need support in with this course is completing the missing work that have yet to be completed. I don't need help with completing them, nor starting it. I just need to be consistently on task with finishing the work that needs to be finished.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tradition in "The Lottery"

"`Tradition': one of those words conservative people use as a shortcut to thinking."

Today in class I was introduced to this quote and was asked to interpretation it. In my own words, my interpretation of this quote is that conseratative people chose to not expand their mind. They only want to stick with what they know, a shortcut to thinking allows them to not have to do all the work by stretching their mind and asking questions, instead they stick to their own tradition. 

Girl Poem - Questions

1. Who do you infer is the narrator? Who is he or she speaking to? Support your answer with specific details from the story.

When I began to read the poem, the narrator sounded like that could have been her mother, her sense of tone and her demanding request made it seem like it could be the mother speaking to the girl.

2. Describe at least two specific instructions the narrator gives? Why do you think she gives these instructions?
One specific instruction that was given to the girl was to walk like a lady on Sundays and not like the slut she is, another instruction was for her to stay away from wharf-rat boys. She gave these instruction's because she wanted to make sure Jamaica was at her very best every Sunday and she wanted to make sure she stayed away from boys who would distract her and do her no good.

3. Find the two sentences in the story that are in italics. Why do you think they are in italics?
"but I don't sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school" I think the reason why it was in italics was because that was Jamaica talking to the narrator.
4. What can you infer about the setting of this story?
That it was in a different time period where younger girls had more responsibilities than they do today.
5. What tasks or chores does the narrator associate with being a girl? Support your answer with specific details from the story.
Doing the laundry, having to cook and making sure she holds her self like a respectful young lady.
6. What behaviors do you think the narrator associates with being a girl? Support your answer with specific details from the story.

7. What is the listener’s reaction to the narrator? What is the narrator’s reaction to the listener? 

The listeners reaction seems to be overwhelmed yet calm and the narrators reaction is a bit more demanding.

8. If a girl follows all of these instructions, what kind of person do you think she will become? In what ways could a girl establish her individuality if she follows all these rules?

I believe if a girl were to follow all of these instructions she will grow up to be a responsible woman. Teaching young ladies how to handle their priorities allows them to absorb it at a young age so that they can be able to handle responsibilities on their own later on in life. 

Quick Write 5/4/2015

I have several specific strategies for taking charge of my education and moving myself forward. One strategy I have is, taking notes down when I don't understand something. Helping others when they don't understand the lesson of the day helps me move forward in my studies because it shows that I understand whats being given. Another strategy would be coming to class regularly making sure I don't miss an given assignments and last but not least, encouraging myself to keep moving forward and giving my best effort regardless of what I get as a grade.

Creating Our Own Prose Poems - Quick Write

The expectation's my family expects from me as a woman, are completely different from the expectations my family expects from my younger brother and the boys in my family. For woman in my family we are expected to know how to cook, clean and keep ourselves in order. We are expected to be professionals and have an education, and be the best that we can be. For guys on the other hand, they are expected to work hard, to protect their family, to be selfless and generous and to put themselves on the line. This goes in line with conformity because it gives us a structure to follow and obey. In another way, it gives us a form on how to live our life and how to get our priorities in line.

Interpreting Literature Through the Lens of Conformity - Quick Write

  • Expectations I have for myself: Be successful, to be well educated,

  • Expectation my family have for me: To become a Doctor, or a professional at anything i put my mind to,

  • Expectation from society and culture: To be well educated, well dressed and be kind/respectful to one another     

What does it mean to be apart of a group?

To be apart of a group means your not alone, and you guys become one all together. it means together you guys have mutual responsibilities.