Wednesday, November 27, 2013


This year I am so excited to be hosting thanksgiving with my older sister. Although it has been a lot of stress getting the food together and getting the decorations. Everyday I'm thankful for having the life I have and going down the road I'm going, I'm thankful for all the success that's coming my way and most of all I'm thankful for having the people that I have around me support me and bring me up when I'm at my lowest. I hope everyone enjoys and has a great thanksgiving this year! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Do Now:

One thing I will always remember from taking this class is the relationship the mind and the brain have and the difference between both of them.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Do Now:

The most important thing I have learned from doing my I-Search project was, finding out that the difference between the mind and the body is that, your mind controls your feelings and your brain controls your body.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Self Assesment

When I finish my project I hope to have at least a 4. I have good grammar when it comes to proceeding projects like this.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What Motivated Me?

My I-Search topic is based on thoughts and my main question is "How do we control our thoughts?" What motivated me to select this question was, day by day everyone goes through about 1000 thoughts a day. But it's completely impossible to control every single one of your thoughts. I would like to know how can I control myself from having several thoughts that come to my mind.